Care of Braces

David Freedman, DDS
435 Nassau Blvd., West Hempstead, NY 11552
Phone: (516) 486-0473
Dental Services | West Hempstead, NY
Dental Services | West Hempstead, NY
Dental Services | West Hempstead, NY
Care Of Braces
Taking care of your braces is not as complicated as it seems. When the braces are first fixed to your teeth, the list of ways you need to take care of your teeth will feel overwhelming. In fact, taking care of your braces it is easier than you think it will be!
1. Make sure you see your orthodontists for each of your appointments. While these appointments may be uncomfortable, your dentist can repair any damage to your braces and deal with any weak spots in the braces. In addition, if you don't go to your appointments, you may have to wear your braces for longer.
2. Care for your teeth as you would if you weren't wearing braces. Brush after every meal. Make sure you floss to prevent cavities and damage to your teeth. Have your orthodontist show you how to floss around your braces. You also may want to use a small brush designed for cleaning braces and getting rid of food particles brushing can miss. Inspect your braces after brushing to make sure you've cleaned off all food particles
3. See your regular dentist for regular cleanings every 6 months.
4. Contact your orthodontist if a wire pops loose or a piece of your braces falls off. It will need to be repaired before the damage becomes worse.
5. Avoid any hard, sticky or gooey food. Not only are these foods bad for your teeth and general health, but they can damage your braces.
6. Cut up or tear hard foods like apples, carrots or hard breads crusts.
7. Cut up or tear hard foods like apples, carrots or hard breads crusts.Speak to your orthodontist about wearing a mouth guard if you play sports and consider avoiding any sports where you may get hit in the mouth.
David Friedman, DDS
435 Nassau Blvd., West Hempstead, NY 11552
Phone (516) 486-0473
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